Thursday, November 29, 2012

By the Sea....

Working on my "By the Sea" series....

 Joining Ms. Jenny and friends for AlphabeThursday featuring the letter..."B"....
You can find other "B" posts here

Joining Paint Party Friday
Share your art here

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Y" is for "Yikes!"

I keep missing my Jenny's AlphabeThursday friends!

It's because I've been distracted...Yet again...

Working hard making Yoodles of artsy stuff...

My little tabletop is filling up with Yummies!  Hope to share more soon!
Happy  "Y" day  to "You":)

Jenny Matlock

Friday, November 2, 2012

PPF 34: What the Flock?

Well I know that title sounds inappropriate...till you see the PiecE in Progress...

It's a "paint out" of a previous piece that took me forever...yet just didn't jive...
Solution:  Gesso all or paint out

I LOVE doing "paint out's" and had put so much detail into the original,  I couldn't resist experimenting...

I can't find a picture of the original that I took...however...I'm carrying on...
Still pondering over outlining and adding text....what do you think?
And P.S. Multi tasking on last weeks peek too!

Join me On PPF!!!